Gugan Gulwan Youth Aboriginal Corporation was created to support the young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people in the ACT and surrounding regions to thrive and succeed. Our commitment is to protect, nurture and support
children, youth and their families as they grow – from birth, through childhood, adolescence and into adulthood.
The mandate of Gugan Gulwan is twofold. The first is to work with, and through, our many partners to establish
a system of services and supports that strengthen families and help those of our children and youth who are
experiencing vulnerability. The second is to lead advocacy and effective policy development on issues that affect all
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth.

Since its creation, Gugan Gulwan has built considerable expertise in the area of child and youth development. This
focus on positive development informs our role as a champion and catalyst for the outcomes of all Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander children and youth in our region.

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