North Sydney Council is a dynamic and supportive place to work, with good benefits, a commitment to sustainability, integrity and keeping our employees safe.

We encourage diversity in our workforce and are committed to removing unnecessary barriers to people applying for jobs at Council.

If you need assistance accessing information or have any special needs for attending interviews please contact our Customer Services Centre and ask to speak to a member of the People and Culture team.

Council's Recruitment and Selection Guideline provides guidance for any persons who are involved in the recruitment and selection process for Council.

North Sydney Council is currently recruiting for a number of roles. Please follow the links below for more information about these exciting opportunities.

Reasons for choosing North Sydney Council

  • We are a friendly organisation that offers a healthy work/life balance
  • We are committed to environmental sustainability and pursue sustainability in our workplaces, vehicle fleet, purchasing and projects
  • We make a real difference to our community and staff can see the impact their work has on our customers' quality of life,
  • We value innovation and support continuous improvement in how we do we things
  • With 430 employees, we are not too big and not too small, so you will have the opportunity to meet and work with people from other teams and disciplines

A strategic plan for our people

Our mission for our employees is to optimise employee performance in an enjoyable, safe, fair and equitable workplace.

This means we:

  • are ethical and compassionate
  • are transparent, accountable and inclusive in our decision making, inviting staff to participate in regular surveys
  • plan for the future, taking into account the changing nature of work and the workforce
  • conduct all our activities with respect and courtesy
  • use periodic auditing and benchmarking processes to ensure our service delivery is efficient and competitive
  • seek to attract and retain good staff
  • welcome innovation
  • communicate openly and share information.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and age management 

We value diversity and recognise that a diverse workforce enhances our decision making. We aim to recruit talent from diverse groups including First Nations peoples, those from culturally and ethnically diverse backgrounds, women, people of all ages and people with disabilities. Work adjustments can be made to support people with special requirements.

A core principle of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is to provide a workplace that is free from discrimination, bullying and harassment. Our EEO Management Plan is reviewed regularly and all new staff undertake EEO training as part of their induction.

Our Age Management Plan complements our EEO Management Plan. It guides the Council and its employees through workforce and demographic change, developing the career experience of people of all ages and all stages of life..

For further information: see the EEO Management Plan and Age Management Plan.

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