All positions advertised are only available to applicants who are citizens of Australia or who hold residency of Australia.

Conditions of employment

Salary and conditions of employment are in accordance with relevant industrial awards and Council's current Enterprise Bargaining Agreement. All appointments are subject to a three-month period of probation.

Hours and leave

All full-time staff receive four weeks annual leave per year as well as fifteen days sick leave per year. Working hours vary depending on the section in which you work. Staff may also take advantage of a flex-time system, which provides flexible working arrangements to suit your work/life balance needs.

Wages and superannuation

Salaries and wages are paid fortnightly into a nominated bank account. All permanent employees are required to contribute to the Local Government Employees Superannuation Scheme within 12 months of their appointment.

Vehicle usage

Council vehicles are available for performing official Council work. Staff are required to produce the relevant current driver's licence and to comply with procedures in respect of the car pool and its operations.

Staff development and training

Scenic Rim Regional Council is committed to ongoing staff development and training. Employees are encouraged and supported to attend training and undertake study in approved courses.

Workplace health and safety

Scenic Rim Regional Council is committed to a safe and healthy work environment. Comprehensive workplace health and safety policies and procedures are in place to ensure staff are not placed at risk while at work.

Health and well being

Council's Employee Assistance Program provides professional counselling and referral services for employees experiencing personal or work related problems. This program is at no cost to the employee and is provided on a confidential basis.

Participating employees are also eligible for private health fund benefits through Bupa corporate membership.

There are also opportunities for staff to receive free or subsidised flu vaccinations.

Staff recognition

Council employees are recognised for displaying exceptional qualities, based on our corporate values, through our quarterly Valued Employee Awards.

More information

For further information regarding employment conditions please contact the Human Resources section at Council.

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