Our Mission

Tenterfield Shire Council provides local civic leadership and a wide range of community services and facilities.

Our mission statement “Quality Nature, Quality Heritage and Quality Lifestyle” provides focus and direction in the manner in which we provide leadership and services.

Our Vision

  • To establish a shire where the environment will be protected and enhanced to ensure sustainability and inter-generational equity,
  • To recognise and actively develop our cultural strengths and unique heritage’
  • To establish a prosperous shire through balanced, sustainable economic growth managed in a way to create quality lifestyles and satisfy the employment, environmental and social aims of the community,
  • To establish a community spirit which encourages a quality lifestyle, supports health and social well-being, promotes family life and lifestyle choices,
  • To establish a community spirit which promotes opportunities to participate in sport and recreation, promotes equal access to all services and facilities, and
  • To encourage all people to participate in the economic and social life of the community with a supportive attitude towards equal life chances and equal opportunity for access to the Shire’s resources.

Our Corporate Values

At Tenterfield Shire Council we value our staff and recognise that they are central to the success of our organisation. Our Workforce Plan “Investing in our Employees” provides a strategic framework for developing our workforce so that it is appropriately skilled and flexible to best meet the challenges ahead.

Our corporate values express how we as Council wish to conduct ourselves as an organisation and reflects the manner in which Council desires to engage with its community. They provide a reference point for all staff. Our five (5) corporate values are:

Integrity – ensuring openness and honesty in all our activities
Community focus – delivering prompt courteous and helpful service
Accountability – accepting responsibility for providing quality services and information
Respect – treating people with courtesy, dignity and fairness regardless of our personal feelings about the person or issue
Excellence – being recognised for providing services and programs that aim for best practice

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