"A connected rural community who values its land and wellbeing..."

Yarriambiack Shire Council offers an abundance of services to the region that supports a vibrant and diversified economy, a healthy and inclusive community, a robust and thriving environment.   Yarriambiack Shire Council is an equal opportunity employer and supports gender equality. Yarriambiack Shire Council is an employer of choice and has a wide variety of employment opportunities across the Shire to serve its community. 

Applications for all positions must be submitted via Happy HR (via the Apply Now button) and address the key selection criteria.

For enquiries relating to employment opportunities please contact Manager People and Culture on (03) 5398 0100 or info@yarriambiack.vic.gov.au

Diversity at Yarriambiack

At Yarriambiack Shire Council, we appreciate the importance of creating an environment where our employees feel valued, included and empowered. We recognise that each employee’s experience and views is critical in providing services to our community. Therefore, our goal is to foster a working environment that attracts the best talent that creates a profound sense of pride across our Shire.

Our diversity and inclusion efforts focus on:

  • Leading and managing inclusiveness – embracing different cultures, ethnicity, genders and securely orientations
  • Creating a work environment that fosters promoting strong connections with, and outcomes for the community we serve.
  • Creating a safe and comfortable work environment for all employees
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