Who are we?

  • Blacktown has a population of 395,000 people.
  • We are the largest Council in New South Wales.
  • Around 1 in 68 Australians reside in Blacktown City.
  • 2.8% of people are from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background.
  • We have people from 188 different birthplaces. Top 5 countries of origin include Philippines, India, New Zealand, Fiji and England.
  • There are 182 languages spoken. Top 5 languages spoken include Tagalog, Hindi, Punjabi, Arabic and Filipino.
  • The median age is 33 years.
  • 22.8% are children aged between 0-14 years.
  • 20.2% are older people aged over 55 years.
  • 55.5% are families with children.

For more detail on demographics, select next.

Contact our Social Planning Team on 02 9839 6420 or 02 9839 6086 to find out more about our City Profile.

Work benefits

We are an organisation with a strong team based culture, where people enjoy the work they do and the people they work with. Quality customer service is highly valued and there is a keenness to continually learn, develop and progress one’s career.

If you are passionate about delivering great customer service, working for a progressive and innovative council, and making a difference to your local community, please apply below.

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